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“You’ve heard for decades about ‘high-powered public relations executives’ in Hollywood movies, right? Well, meet one right here in Sacramento. She’s Robin Swanson, head of Swanson Communications.”
Capitol Weekly
“The year of the woman was more than 30 years ago — and I’m a little disheartened that we don’t have a deeper bench by now of women to fill this giant vacuum of powerhouse women who were there really from the beginning,” said Robin Swanson, a veteran California Democratic consultant based in Sacramento.” Read the full Politico article here.
“Robin Swanson, Democratic strategist: Unless the Democratic nominee and Democratic Party find a candidate who connects with voters on an emotional level and creates a brand that sticks, we’re looking at another four years of a president who has mastered the con like no other.” Link to commentary here.
“The difficulties around implementing new policies aside, the politics of abortion have always been a winning issue for Democrats both in states and the national stage. It is only becoming more relevant as red states continue to restrict rights, said Robin Swanson, a Democratic strategist in Sacramento.
That’s going to continue on the national stage, where California Gov. Gavin Newsom and his Florida counterpart, DeSantis, are “champing at the bit to highlight their differences,” Swanson said.
Because most of the country supports abortion access, Swanson said, it’s especially a winning issue for Newsom.
“I do think there’s a chance to capture centrist Republicans and Republican-leaning women, as long as we lead with this issue and talk about it as a fundamental civil right,” Swanson said.”
"You’ve heard for decades about ‘high-powered public relations executives’ in Hollywood movies, right? Well, meet one right here in Sacramento. She’s Robin Swanson, head of Swanson Communications. Normally a Democratic-leaning operative, Swanson has been outspoken in her opposition to the Trump administration and worked with wealthy San Francisco real-estate developer Alastair Mactaggart on behalf of a proposed ballot initiative increasing privacy protection for customers of large internet corporations. Swanson Communications bills itself as expert in crisis communications, managing legislative races and strategizing ballot measure campaigns.”
"Robin is the queen of mixing moxie and message. She can craft a winning message, put a pushy reporter on notice, and successfully win over an editorial board, all before 10 am. She’s deeply committed to the causes, campaigns, candidates and clients she represents and brings a tenacity and confidence that leads to victory time and again. She spent years of honing her craft under Gale Kaufman’s tutelage. Swanson’s led messaging and media for the Education Coalition and Assembly Speaker John Perez.”
Capitol Weekly names Robin Swanson as “one to watch.”
"At a recent rally against Prop. 8, a protestor carried a sign that read:
‘Dear chickens, can we borrow your political consultant? Signed, the gays.’
Part of the team was communications specialist Robin Swanson, who organized numerous photo opps in support for the farm animal rights measure.”
“Hiring Swanson just days after Schwarzenegger proposed his austere budget in January was no coincidence: She’s beaten him before…
Working with Kaufman Campaign Consultants, a well-connected Democratic campaign firm in Sacramento, Swanson has been hailed as a rising star for handing upset victories to her clients and attracting press like a magnet.”
“She coordinated press events that received unprecedented news coverage and helped the Alliance for a Better California defeat all of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s initiatives, despite his high approval ratings. In 2006, she became a regular television commentator, and appears regularly on FOX News’ ‘Hannity & Colmes’ and Sacramento’s News10.
In 2006, her cachet continued to rise with a series of high-profile victories on statewide initiative campaigns, coordinating an earned media plan that helped pass a statewide education bond and defeat a campaign finance measure.”